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by : BTF

Thursday 9 June 2011

Today was my first day completely, 100% raw! And I feel terrible! Tee hee... let me explain...

I have been suspicious about the amount of soya I consume for a while and after watching a very interesting seminar lecture by David Wolfe last night, I understand the phyto-oestrogen properties a bit better.
I have suffered with hormone imbalances all my life. As a child, I couldn't control my body temperature, swinging from too hot to too cold all the time. I rarely slept and had fluctuating energy levels. Puberty hit and my periods started (eventually!) Stopped, started again, stopped and finally settled into the most irregular cycle I have ever encountered in my life (including all those years as a nurse.) Then at the age of 30 they stopped. My hormones were out of whack even more than usual and the oestrogen dominance had pushed my progesterone and testosterone levels down to practically nought. At the time, I was advised (incorrectly, I now realise) that soya would help to balance my hormone levels.
It has not. Soya is a phyto-oestrogen, which means it binds to receptors in the body in the same way oestrogen does (I think - correct me if I'm wrong...) and subsequently I have suffered all the symptoms of oestrogen dominance for the past decade.

So, I thought it would be a good idea to knock the soya on the head for a while and see how I got on.

Migraine is how I got on! But this was not unexpected. When I worked as an holistic therapist I had a lot of clients who underwent a "healing balance" in the form of a headache, nausea, pain, tearfulness or some other symptom, (it depends on where your trigger point is, for me it's the head,) but this was always temporary and part of the whole "feeling worse before you feel better" thing. I usually get a headache if I change my diet, give something up or do any kind of "cleanse." Just the body's way of saying "thanks!"

So today... a day without soya and a day completely raw.
Here's what I ate:

For breakfast I started the day with Shazzie's Almond Goji Sunshine Mylk, which I gave the recipe for yesterday.
Then I made a smoothie for Mr H and I to take out for lunch:
(for 2 people, generously)
1 pint water
2 bananas
1 handful of frozen berries
1 (small) handful goji berries
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Whizz together and drink.

We had this with some mixed olives (some of them had chilli in, which went very well with the delicious sweet smoothie!)

This afternoon I had an apple, which was all I could manage with my embryonic migraine.
I came home early and, after a rest, made this delicious "green" smoothie. Raw foodies go on about "Green Smoothies" ad nauseum, but they have a point - copious amounts of green leaves are the business, nutrition-wise.
Here is my "green" smoothie: (it's not green, it's red, but hey!)
4 carrots
1 beetroot
1 apple
a slice of lemon, pith and all
I juiced these and then placed them in the blender with:
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
1 teaspoon flax seed oil
I gave them a good blending and then spent the evening drinking it.

Now, this doesn't seem much for a day and were it not for the migraine, I would probably have had a nice big salad this evening and a superfood treat, but this has been enough for my body to manage today.

My headache, I have to say, has diminished. How much of this is due to the diet I can't say, but I did eschew my usual radox bath for a soak with 4 green tea bags and I swear I could feel the detoxifying action. Coupled with one of Mr H's aromatherapy back massages, I feel pretty blissed-out right now!

I am hoping tomorrow will be better. Mr H came home from work with another fridge-load of fruit and veg, so I'll be creating more yummies tomorrow...

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